Saturday, September 20, 2014

My peanut is running away...

So do you ever just get this weird feeling like you feel like a panda is watching you in your room? Yeah. That's how I feel right now... Man I hate Mrs. D. So did anyone hear about the movie The Hunger Games? I did. I watched it with my girlfriend. It's pretty terrible. I mean, it's a cool story line, people killing each other as a game, but it's stupidly produced... One, a third of the people are like,"Oh, yeah, I'm hot stuff." and they are so into it, it's sad. Two, Peeta's all like,"I'll bake bread for you F.O.R.E.V.E.R. Katniss!!! LOVE MEEEE!" and Gale's all like,"I hate the world. I kill squirrels. I kill bunnies. But I try to act sexy (and fail badly) so love me Katniss. Love me. Now. I'll kill you if you don't. Just keep that in mind..." so you're just like ,"I HATE BOTH OF THEM!" and why does it even matter? Man, Katniss. Your supposed to be fighting for your life. Not flirting with a bunch of guys, acting like your a cut-throat type of person, then cry at any pain you receive. Whether it's mentally cause, or physically. I would laugh if the jabberjays eat all of them in the second movie....

   SEE! It's hilarious! It's so bad, that it's funny!!!!              Oh, Katniss.... I wouldn't know what to do if I made that face when I cried either....


So..... my dog ran out to the road. A bus killed him. Yeah.
I'm going to his funeral on Kewday. HEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTT!!!! oops. i meant hey... Kewday should totally be the eighth day of the week!

"So, when's the big game?"

"Oh, it's on Kewday!!"

That's so awesome.